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Dipal ThesiaExpertise
Dipal Thesia is a graduate with Masters in Biotechnology from UQ. As Technology Analyst, she brings in comprehensive understanding of the unique aspects involved with life science research and commercial development pathway.
Dipal Thesia has a background in Biological Science and IP Management. She completed her Bachelors with Honours from Northumbria University, UK and was involved with University College London studying Epicardial defect in Cyp26 mutant mice. During her Masters at UQ, she studied commercialisation aspect of Science and IP management, and worked part-time as Research Assistant at QAAFI for project Tissue culture based micro propagation of Avocados. She was involved with developing commercial strategy for Avocado project exploring options for start-up and licensing. This gives her a varied background of both the world – Science and Business.
She gained IP commercialisation knowledge through her placement at Uniquest Pty Ltd, giving her hands on experience with technology interpretation and IP management.
Dipal Thesia
Technology Analyst
Phone: 07 4638 5278
Email: dipal@ipactive.com.au
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