07 46 385 278 admin@ipactive.com.au

Our Services

IP Register Development

Don’t lose site of what’s important

Create systems to support your objectives

Research teams are continually developing innovations and it is essential to have systems in place to track the development for such innovations. To do this you need to have good management of records and information. Records need to start from the concept of the research through to commercial success.

In today’s research and development (R&D) environment, research teams and R&D investors can change from one year to the next. The effect of such changes is that basic information on when IP is developed, who the inventors and owners are and when it was first disclosed can be difficult to track. Once commercial success has been achieved, monitoring licensing due dates and royalty payments needs to be streamlined.


IP Active has worked at the coalface of R&D management and understands the need for IP records to be easily accessible for managers and researchers.  Rather than a cumbersome Excel spreadsheet, cloud based IP Register storage provided by Inteum™ ensures IP data is easily accessed.

Inteum Web is a password protected, secure, client-customised IP Management system which captures all the varied IP information relating to your technologies. Inteum also includes a powerful Analytics tool enabling reporting and detailed analysis of IP data.

IP Active are experienced in designing, developing and establishing Inteum IP Management systems for our clients. With Australian distribution rights, we can provide local support and training in using Inteum and therefore getting the most value from your IP.

If you would like to know more about how we can help you develop and manage your IP Register, contact us discuss your needs.

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If you would like to know more about how an IP management system could help your organisation manage IP


Cloud based

Secure & password protected

easily accessible

Customised to client specifications