Project Based IP Management System
Manage your IP in the cloud
“I can’t keep up with it all!
My brain is about to burst with all this information!”
Sound familiar? Are you a project manager and your Research & Development investments are demanding more time to keep them on track? Do your collaborators and Government partners need to see their money in action and what outputs have come from their investments?
At IP Active, we have devised Inteum to be used as a project-based IP Management system to track the intellectual property elements of an investment. To use the Inteum IP management software in this manner is uncommon within the Inteum community and showcases Inteum Web’s adaptability and makes good use of its User Defined Fields (UDF’s) and customisation of set fields.
Data Map
Our clients use an IP Register (individual project IP outputs) for each project, to record all Intellectual Property information for that project. These IP Registers form the basis of the structural setup for our Inteum.
Inteum allows:
- Creation of ‘living’ IP Registers;
- Easy tracking of IP across multiple projects;
- Mapping IP according to the various needs of managers and other stakeholders
– by Technology, Project, % Ownership, $ Equity and Revenue generated; - Ability to identify and manage IP risks and
- Customised IP Reporting.
Filter and Report
IP Active now have the ability to customise the project management input form using Inteum’s recently released, next generation software called Minuet.
Using custom fields such as Commercial Potential, project managers can filter and report on those projects of particular interest, for example all projects with medium to high commercial potential. In a similar manner, the business management tools TRL (Technology Readiness Level) and CRL (Commercial Readiness Level) can be managed via Inteum. These TRL and CRL maturity levels relay the stage and value of a project’s IP and are discussed further in another IP Active article, ‘Are you Ready?’
Tracking IP over multiple investments
Linking related projects enables tracking of a project investment over time.
Inteum’s project input form records details of each individual project as well as storing links to related projects which can easily map out the history of a project investment. To gain the most benefit from project-based IP management, project details that need to be saved and easily retrieved include emails, comments and other correspondence noting important decisions made concerning the project’s IP. Inteum’s email manager capabilities allows these decisions to be easily tracked.
Other records that can be linked to the project form include agreements, CRM such as owners and researchers, financials such as royalties and the IP elements of the project.
IP Elements of a Project Investment
Typically a research project has multiple IP (Intellectual Property) components starting with existing background IP including that from outside parties (known as third party IP). Project IP is created as the research progresses towards the forecast project outcomes, which can over time develop into valuable IP assets.
Research and discovery initiatives need to track all these IP elements of a project.
Of note are the background and third party IP that bring existing terms, conditions and restrictions that must be taken into account before use of the matter or information covered by the IP in the project.
Factors such as IP ownership, Freedom to Use and confidentiality agreements must be considered.
IP Active Advantage
As certified Inteum Administrators, IP Active offers a dedicated Inteum ‘Customer Vault License’, customised to each client’s Intellectual Property management requirements. IP Active brings local Australian experienced Inteum setup support and user advice. We provide extensive system development and hands-on support services in the operation of both Inteum and Minuet to ensure a smooth transition in the growth and use of the system.
Contact us today to arrange an Inteum demonstration or to discuss how we can help with your project IP management.